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The Skeleton Coast to the Kaokoveld

$25,590 per person, based on two sharing.

8 nights, 18–26 November, 2024

Discover the raw beauty and vast expanses of Namibia in the driving seat of the ultimate 4X4, with expert guides leading the way. This adventure takes you 1,700km through one of the world’s most stunning countries – along the infamous Skeleton Coast, where ancient shipwrecks and swirling mists tell stories of past misadventures, and into the Kaokoveld, home to elusive desert-adapted wildlife and breathtaking panoramic vistas.


Along the way, you’ll gain exclusive access to rarely explored regions, enjoy luxurious accommodation and private campsites in the wildest of settings, and encounter Namibia’s most extraordinary wildlife. A once-in-a-lifetime adventure, that will leave you with unforgettable memories and incredible stories to share.

Day one – Monday, 18 November

Walvis Bay to Terrace Bay

Touch down in Walvis Bay, where your Grenadier awaits. After a short briefing and vehicle handover, you’ll head north along the Skeleton Coast, navigating a unique oil-and-sand paved road. As you venture deeper into this desolate region, you'll reach Terrace Bay—your gateway to the Skeleton Coast National Park. Here, you’ll fill up at the last fuel stop before stopping for your first night at a private mobile camp.

  • Trip briefing
  • Dramatic coastal views
  • Shipwrecks
  • Whale skeletons
  • Desert-adapted wildlife
  • Private mobile camp

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Oil-and-sand paved road
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395 km
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Walvis Bay Airport pickup
Skeleton Coast Road
Terrace Bay

Day two – Tuesday, 19 November

Terrace Bay to Agate Mountain

After breakfast at your coastal camp, we’ll continue north along The Skeleton Coast. We’ll visit the remains of the Ventura Bomber, which crashed in 1942 during a recovery mission. Then we’ll descend into the Hoarusib River valley, known for sightings of Oryx, Springbok, and rare Desert Lions. After crossing the Khumib River, we’ll stop at the serene Sarusas Spring, before visiting the mysterious Ancient Stone Circles. Then onto our camp for the night, with a view of Agate Mountain, and its stunning rocky landscapes.

  • 1942 Ventura Bomber wreckage
  • Rare wildlife
  • Ancient ruins
  • Agate Mountain camp

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Sand and riverbeds
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220 km
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1942 Ventura Bomber
Hoarusib River
Khumib River
Sarusas Spring
Ancient Stone Circles
Agate Mountain

Day three – Wednesday, 20 November

Agate Mountain to Kunene River Mouth

Get ready for a day dominated by beach driving. Heading north, you’ll pass Angria Fria, an abandoned harbour development project from the 1960s. Continuing further, you’ll come across the haunting remains of the Dunedin Star, the shipwreck connected to the Ventura Bomber mission. From there, we’ll head to the mouth of the Kunene River for lunch. Here the freshwater meets the Atlantic, forming a delta home to Nile crocodiles, Green Turtles, and Soft-shell Turtles. Next, east into the dune belt, to your camp, nestled by the riverbank.

  • Beach driving
  • Dunedin Star
  • Crocodiles and turtles
  • Riverside camp

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145 km
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Angria Fria
The Dunedin Star wreckage
Kunene River Mouth

Day four – Thursday, 21 November

Kunene River Mouth to Serra Cafema

Leaving the rugged coast far behind us, we continue east through some of the most spectacular desert scenery Namibia has to offer. The journey involves navigating changing dunes, with plenty of stops to take in the landscape and spot wildlife. Keep your eyes peeled for herds of Oryx, which roam the dunes on their way to the river. Later in the day, we’ll enter Hartmann’s Valley and cross its stunning expanse before reaching the luxurious Serra Cafema camp, where we’ll stay for the next two nights.

  • Spectacular dune landscape
  • Oryx and other desert wildlife
  • Hartmann’s Valley
  • Serra Cafema camp
  • Two nights to unwind

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80 km
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Sand dunes and oryx
Serra Cafema

Day six – Saturday, 23 November

Serra Cafema to Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp

Departing the serenity of Serra Cafema, our journey takes us south, navigating the desolate Hartmann’s Valley. Only a few colour-coded fuel drums guide our turns on this two-track road. As we press onward, we pass through Purros, a settlement nestled along the dry Hoarusib River. The vast, open Giribes Plains stretch ahead before we join the Hoanib River. Our day ends at the luxury Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp, where we’ll settle in for the night surrounded by the dramatic desert landscape.

  • Remote settlement of Purros
  • Expansive Giribes Plains
  • Luxury stay at Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp

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Sand and rock, riverbeds, plains
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330 km
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Hartmann’s Valley
Giribes Plains
Hoanib River
Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp

Day seven – Sunday, 24 November

Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp to Damaraland Camp

We’ll set off from Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp and head east, back along the Hoanib River. On the way, we’ll pass the President’s Waterhole, which is vital for the survival of desert elephants. The journey then continues south, into the Modderrift Valley, eventually revealing the incredible Etendekka laval rock formations. Sand tracks guide us across these geological wonders, and across the Palmwag Nature Reserve, home to one of the last remaining populations of desert black rhino. After crossing this extraordinary landscape, we’ll find ourselves back on a dirt road, taking us to Damaraland Camp. Overnight luxury awaits, amidst stunning desert surroundings.

  • Desert elephants at the President’s Waterhole
  • Stunning laval rock formations
  • Desert black rhinos
  • Luxury stay at Damaraland Camp

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Sandy tracks, laval rocks, plains
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240 km
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President’s Waterhole
Modderrift Valley
Etendekka laval rock formations
Palmwag Nature Reserve
Damaraland Camp

Day eight – Monday, 25 November

Damaraland Camp to Swakopmund

The final stretch of the expedition takes you back to civilisation, but not before crossing Namibia’s breathtaking landscapes. Today, you’ll navigate the Huab and Ugab River systems, with one last chance to encounter desert elephants. Brandberg Mountain, Namibia’s highest peak, rises from the horizon before we explore the vast Messum Crater. Your journey concludes at the stunning Stiltz Coastal Resort in Swakopmund – a fitting end to this incredible adventure.

  • Driving through river systems
  • Last chance to see unique wildlife
  • Explore the Messum Crater
  • Rustic, luxury stay at Stiltz Coastal Resort

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Sandy and rocky riverbeds, desert plains, crater
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305 km
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Huab River
Ugab River
Brandberg Mountain
Messum Crater
Stiltz Coastal Resort

Please be aware that your contract for the expedition shall be through an external company and not with INEOS Automotive, who disclaim liability to the fullest extent permitted by any applicable law for your participation in this activity. The provision of your personal data in the form above is a request by you to provide this external company with your personal information in order for you to take steps to enter into a contract for the expedition.

External company details: Magalena Corporation, 203 Allied Building, Francis Rachel Street, P.O. Box 381, Victoria, Seychelles.


Images included above are purely indicative, and do not specifically depict photography from the expedition route.