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Where the wild things are

Namibia. Home to untamed wilderness, and elusive, iconic animals, such as desert-adapted African bush elephants, black rhinos, giraffes, and lions. To see them, you need a 4X4 that’s as well-adapted to the inhospitable desert environment as they are. A brief the Grenadier meets with its off-road capability, practicality, and comfort. Two prototype vehicles took our team on a four-day overlanding odyssey they’ll never forget.

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Episode 1 - Reflections


Sesfontein to Doro Nawas. The start and finish of our Namibian adventure. A long, off-road loop where the Grenadiers allowed our team to stay off the beaten track. Into those wild, remote areas favored by the big animals they came to see. 

Our route features almost every kind of difficult terrain. On top of inspiring wildlife and breath-taking scenery, it’s one of the main reasons 4X4 enthusiasts love this country. Red, Mars-like rocky ranges. Vast, basalt plains. Dust bowl-ridden deserts. Thick grassland. And quicksand-like riverbeds. All part of the Grenadier’s natural habitat.


Episode 2 - Departure

Going With The Flow

Gerhard Thirion grew up on a 260,000-acre game farm. And he’s been a safari guide for over 20 years. So, if the Grenadier is the right vehicle to take our team to the animals, Gerhard’s the right man to steer them there. 

He instructs our two Grenadiers to set off west along the Hoanib River bed. Sharp, loose gravel turns to mud, with pockets of quicksand. But the Grenadiers’ power and torque always gets the team out of trouble, with the all-terrain BF Goodrich tires putting down all the grip required. The ride provided by the progressive coil spring suspension and Recaro™ seats makes for a comfortable long first day, despite seriously rough terrain. 

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Episode 3 - Into Damaraland

Standing Tall

A pre-dawn start sees the team head west to refuel at Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp, before turning south down the Mudorib River bed. Heavy unseasonable rain makes the route ever more challenging. But it’s the only way to see the game attracted to the water, such as desert-adapted giraffes.

When our team spot some, the Grenadier’s Safari Windows come into their own. Entirely removable, they enable our team to stand tall on the seats, for the best possible view of these majestic animals. 


Episode 4 - Rhinos in the desert

On the right track

The team continues further south, into the Palmwag Concession Area. Home to possibly the last population of free-roaming Black Rhino in the world. But it’s a mother giraffe and her calf seen first at sunrise.

Then, after five hours on the road, the team finally spot rhinos in long grass near a spring. Thanks to the high vantage point offered by the Safari windows – and the Grenadier’s capability – the team are able to follow the animals after spotting tracks 24 hours earlier.   


Episode 5 - Desert elephants

A big send off

Following a tip off from locals, the team heads to Doro Nawas, a man-made watering hole. With fresh elephant tracks spotted, the Grenadiers make their own mark in the arid ground, taking off in pursuit. 


The team climb hill tops to locate the herd, before following them into the thicket. Here they capture extraordinary, up-close footage, as the elephants relax in the heat of the day within touching distance of the vehicles. One even rubs a Grenadier fender with its tusk. So bringing four days of adventure and exploration to a memorable close.


Grenadier Trails Namibia

Two prototype vehicles took our team on a four-day overlanding odyssey they’ll never forget.
Australia Testing Trip Days 5&6 Jan 2022


Did you watch our Australia Trails films? The Grenadier deals with extreme heat, choking bull dust, sand dunes, and even flash floods. All in the unforgiving Aussie outback.

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