Remote, wild, unforgiving: the north east of Iceland is a natural habitat for our 4X4. It’s also where Gísli Ásgeirsson lives and works, for more than half the year. A full eight hours from Reykjavik by road, it is home to some of the finest North Atlantic salmon spawning grounds in the world. These magnificent fish were under threat, however. Numbers were dropping dramatically. That’s where the Six Rivers Project came in. A long-term conservation programme, it is helping salmon spawning grounds in Iceland to become the most sustainable in the world.SAVING THE NORTH ATLANTIC SALMON
For Gísli, salmon conservation is a hands-on task. He spends his days building ladders that help the fish reach their spawning grounds. He plants their eggs in the riverbeds by hand and he constantly monitors the overall fish population. It’s an approach that is working. In the last 10 to 15 years, stocks have risen to three times what they were.
Watch the latest Grenadier films below. Including ‘Building the Grenadier’, the behind-the-scenes series that follows the reveal of the vehicle. Component by component.